Autore Topic: BYE BYE GAMESPY  (Letto 1405 volte)

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« il: 05 Aprile 2014, 16:31:38 »
non so se avete letto in giro che dal 31 maggio gamespy chiude i battenti  :tafazzi:
non ho mai capito a che cippa serve  :azz: ma se non sbaglio fin dai tempi di ofp la bis utilizza i loro server per varie funzioni del multiplayer tipo la lista/filtraggio dei server, statistiche etc...
mi sa che dovranno rilasciare un pò di patch per tutti i giochi per permettere di continuare a usare il multy regolarmente anche senza gamespy sperem sistemino anche il vecio ofp  :'(
GameSpy has announced it is fully shutting down its multiplayer technologies on May 31 2014. Why does this affect us and you? The simplest explanation is that they provided the licensed middleware we have used for the Arma series to handle the server indexing and browsing. For Arma 3 we will solve this by making the full switch to Steam for this functionality. If you're on devbranch, you can already toggle between GameSpy and Steam in the server browser (top-right button). Our other games (including previous Armas) are being investigated, and our company will announce more detailed approaches once they are confirmed. For a little bit more information, check this forum post.

There are some upsides and some downsides to the change for Arma 3. We can list more servers in the browser (as opposed to the limit of 500 before). There are also more features we can try to implement: listing servers with friends on them, showing a server history, etc. However, at the moment the Steam-implementation does not support the player list and there is a limited mod listing. This is caused by less space being available for custom meta-data in the API. We have some ideas for work-arounds, so that may only be temporarily. Steam also requires several ports to be forwarded properly (27016 and 2303 for Steam services and the game by default). Generally, this implementation might be less capable at punching through complex NAT situations (i.e. finding all servers).

A fresh round of presents several community videos and one new player community: Point Fire. Their motto: "Arma 3 - played harder. played right."

Should you have somehow missed it, take a look at the most recent Community Guide episode - covering guerilla warfare!

Citazione da: Eschifa
Ma infondo infondo....chi se ne fotte  :spalman:
Citazione da: MamaBear
bella zago!! mi piacciono un sacco le tue news!!!


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    • Tornado Squad
« Risposta #1 il: 07 Aprile 2014, 18:41:48 »
Non avevo letto ancora il tuo post, io ho avvisato la comunity qui :
When that command remains, no matter what happens to its officer, he has not failed.

Se l'unità rimane, qualsiasi cosa avvenga al suo ufficiale, lui non è sconfitto.


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« Risposta #2 il: 09 Aprile 2014, 16:57:05 »
Gamespy è stato per anni, passando di gioco in gioco, quel programma che nessuno voleva mai installare ma ti toccava farlo, un po come quando vai dalla morosa e tocca sorbirti la suocera. Una rottura in meno  :asd: