Changelog - Preview v12
~ Updated: massive revision of all tanks thanks El Tyranos!
~~ Changed: replaced overly complex and error prone scripted penetration and damage system by AWAR with new A3 technology.
~~ Changed: dropped old custom scripted destruction FX - will be replaced with more optimized and latest technology in the future.
~~ Fixed: damage simulation wonkey and bugged in MP.
~~ Changed: armor thickness values for the new A3 technology.
~~ Changed: major revision of PhysX configuration to improve driving behavior.
~~ Added: Fire from Vehicles (FFV) for tank crew (ie binocular use when turned out).
~~ Added: FX (smoke, fire, sparkles, sound) on tank engine destruction.
~~ Added: A3 head lights technology.
~~ Added: smoke dischargers for German tanks.
~~ Added: Sherman bow MG's sight.
~~ Added: StuG cargo proxies.
~~ Added: EDEN/Virtual garage compatibility.
~~ Changed: FFV loaders now face turret's rear.
Full summary:
~ Changed: made it possible to tow 61k guns by default.
~ Fixed: adjustable sights in tanks - missing LIB_ tag for variables/classes of sights.
~ Changed: turret position is no longer used as variable for reload speed in CRS.
~ Changed: tweaked infantry weapon recoil according to Adanteh and Gunther.S version.
~ Updated: PhysX configuration of Panther and Tiger thanks to RedPhoenix!
~ Changed: re-enabled tanks explosion for visual purpose.
~ Changed: reactivated secondaryExplosion with tanks again for now.
~ Changed: reduced fuelExplosionPower considerably for tanks.
~ Changed: tweaked AT Mines hit values.
~ Changed: tweaked AT Rockets hit values.
~ Changed: tweaked AT grenades hit values.
~ Fixed: forgot to remove explosionForceCoef = 5;.
~ Added: new trench models by Shemich!
~ Added: WW2 style compass and watch.
~ Added: US Pilot and US Tank crew helmets.
~ Added: animated zeroing for Thompson.
~ Fixed: Maxim rate of fire was too low.
~ Changed: tweaked ROF of FlaK 38 X4 gun.
~ Changed: adjusted mines (damage, scopes, mass, descriptionShort).
~ Added: Mines vehicles icon/library.
~ Fixed: Opel Blitz wheels springs issue.
~ Fixed: faulty uniform texture assigned in hiddenSelectionsTextures of LIB_SOV_gun_lieutenant.
~ Fixed: Schütze clothing has no shoulderstraps.
~ Fixed: SPG Crew Hat has texture problems.
~ Fixed: upgraded launchers rockets to A3 standards.
~ Fixed: animated trigger for MP40.
~ Fixed: HitFuel armor of tanks set to 2.
~ Fixed: HitPoints turret definition for SdKfz 7 AA.
~ Fixed: missing modes definition for LIB_Maxim_M30.
~ Fixed: Zis-3 wheels axis was faulty.
~ Fixed: removed fixed ViewPilot of Kfz1_MG42.
~ Removed: LIB_ACC_M1903_NoFS completely.
~ Fixed: some backpacks had no Landcontact.
~ Fixed: degenerated face on WW2_FlaK_38_destruct_chassis.p3d causing binarise to crash.
~ Removed: unnecessary named properties of autocenter and LODNoShadow from ShadowVolume LODs for WW2_FlaK_38_destruct_chassis.p3d.
~ Fixed: one component that wasn't convex in fire geometry and adjusted fire geometry to more accurately fit the other other geometries for WW2_FlaK_38_destruct_chassis.p3d.
~ Changed: insideSoundCoef to LIB_Tank_base.
~ Changed: turrets servos standardised to powered sound/handcranked sound for SU85 and StuG III.
~ Added: particle effects for tanks secondary weapons.
~ Fixed: standard BI firedEH call for tanks.
~ Added: optional mod to revert IFA3 all GUI changes.
~ Fixed: missing absolute interface positioning for LIB_PzKpfwVI_E.
~ Fixed: low qaulity optics textures (moved to correct container).
~ Fixed: faulty custom sub class name used in vehicle damage visualization and processing.
~ Changed: weapon recoil animation is no longer to be scripted for tanks.
~ Changed: disabling now malfunctioning system to lock dummy turrets (for binocular) causing gunner turret also locked.
~ Added: mines as vehicle type (for editor placement or scripting use).
~ Updated: weapons and optics to hide to 1.64 state.
~ Updated: vehicles to hide to 1.64 state.
~ Updated: mpmissions class names to 1.64 state.
~ Updated: campaign class name to 1.64 state.
~ Changed: made stock A3 infantry magazines scope=1 to be hidden from ammo crates with dynamically generated content.
~ Changed: made backblast effect not executed when ACE3 is active.
~ Changed: disabled killed EH for LIB_Tank_base.
~ Removed: obsolete fired EH code of tanks.
~ Improved: coding of Towing system. Configuration is now config based.
~ Fixed: cfgPatches classes must be kept for backwards compatibility!
~ Added: dummy scripts for backwards compatibility.
~ Updated: preloadAddons.
~ Updated: cfgPatches header in many configs.
~ Updated: turret HitPoints inheritance in LIB_Tank_base to inherit from Tank_F.
~ Fixed: M3 Halftrack hitpoints inheritance from LIB_Wheeled_APC_base.
~ Fixed: SdKfz251 hitpoints inheritance from LIB_Wheeled_APC_base.
~ Fixed: SdKfz7 hitpoints inheritance from LIB_Wheeled_APC_base.
~ Improved: bomb ammo classes inheritance.
~ Improved: inheritance of AA ammo classes.
~ Improved: ammo inheritance with the introduction of LIB_Shell_base and LIB_ShellAPCR_base sublayer.
~ Changed: base class name of ShellBase_HE to LIB_ShellHE_base.
~ Improved: inheritance of LIB_ShellHE_base and its subclasses.
~ Improved: magazine inheritance with the introduction of LIB_HE_VehicleMagazine_base sublayer.
~ Improved: magazine inheritance with the introduction of LIB_APCR_VehicleMagazine_base sublayer.
~ Improved: magazine inheritance with the introduction of LIB_AP_VehicleMagazine_base sublayer.
~ Improved: magazine inheritance with the introduction of LIB_Bomb_VehicleMagazine_base sublayer.
~ Improved: weapon inheritance with the introduction of LIB_CannonCore base sublayer.
~ Improved: weapon inheritance with the introduction of LIB_TankCannon_base sublayer.
~ Improved: weapon inheritance with the introduction of LIB_NotLoadedCannon_base sublayer.
~ Improved: weapon inheritance with the introduction of LIB_TankHECannon_base sublayer.
~ Improved: weapon inheritance with the introduction of LIB_TankAPCRCannon_base sublayer.
~ Improved: weapon inheritance with the introduction of LIB_TankAPCannon_base sublayer.
~ Improved: weapon inheritance with the introduction of LIB_AntiAirCannon_base sublayer.
~ Improved: weapon inheritance with the introduction of LIB_MortarCannon_base sublayer.
~ Improved: weapon inheritance with the introduction of LIB_PlaneCannon_base sublayer.
~ Improved: weapon inheritance with the introduction of LIB_PlaneMGun_base sublayer.
~ Improved: weapon inheritance with the introduction of LIB_TankMGun sublayer.
~ Changed: weapon class LIB_MG42 to LIB_MG42_Veh with unique magazine type.
~ Changed: weapon class M2 to LIB_M2 and improved inheritance.
~ Fixed: AZP85 to serve as pure base class.
Tech details
~ Changed: moved Animation_Source_Group definitions to StaticWeapon gun configs.
~ Added: material to fire geometry and tweaked to match the model better.
~ Added: wreck LOD for all tanks.
~ Added: missing hitpoints in HitPoints LOD.
~ Added: HitFuel hitpoint to LIB_Tank_base.
~ Added: hitpoints definitions to LIB_Tank_base.
~ Changed: made all hitpoints/armor values inherited from LIB_Tank_F.
~ Changed: hitpoints/hitboxes names set to English.
~ Fixed: Engine HitPoint destruction effects.
~ Fixed: hitpoints LOD clean up/standardisation.
~ Removed: deprecated hitpoints for destroyed turret proxy base class.
~ Removed: hitpoints definitions from tanks.
~ Removed: deprecated bones from Fire Geometry and HitPoints LODs.
~ Fixed: AT shells cleanup + new hit and caliber values to match tanks upgrade.
~ Changed: made FFV LIB_Tank_base inherited.
~ Fixed: FFV angles were too narrow.
~ Fixed: Panzer 4 loader was not comptible with FFV.
~ Fixed: some turned out tanks machine gunners couldn't fire anymore.
~ Added: made tanks ready to damage hidable tracks.
~ Added: reticle AnimationSources and animations.
~ Added: specific anim for Sherman recoil.
~ Added: specific anim for JS2 back MG.
~ Added: engine_smoke memory point for engine destruction FX.
~ Added: hull now have "zbytek" name selection for visual damages.
~ Added: numberPhysicalWheels values.
~ Changed: all turrets parts are now merged in octocvez (A3 standard).
~ Changed: all gun masks are now merged in otochalven (A3 standard).
~ Changed: all hull parts are now merged in one “hull” named selection (no engine purpose).
~ Changed: tanks destrType.
~ Changed: armorStructural to default value.
~ Changed: adjusted landcontact LOD.
~ Changed: land contact LOD remade to match BIS models.
~ Changed: land contact to match BIS models.
~ Changed: made tanks armor values to A3 B_MBT_01_TUSK_F ones.
~ Changed: Armor plates density set to 8600.
~ Changed: standard A3 zeroring configuration for the Sherman.
~ Changed: tweaked mass distribution.
~ Changed: springs updated to Red Phoenix's calculator values.
~ Changed: moved tracks and wheels bones to “WW2_Tank_Skeleton” in model.cfg.
~ Changed: StuG III AnimationSources are now matching new namedselections.
~ Changed: skirt and shields are now one named selection.
~ Changed: missing zasleh on all tanks/all zasleh to A3 standards/all zasleh standardised between tanks.
~ Changed: all zasleh/recoils are handled in WW2_Tank class.
~ Changed: Wheels inheritance set to WW2_Tank + deleted decprecated anims for wheels and damageHide.
~ Changed: Resolution LODS names to ArmA3 Standard (123456 instead of 012345).
~ Changed: Moved wheels animations to "WW2_Tank" class.
~ Changed: enhanced model.cfg dependencies.
~ Changed: "scope=1" to useless classes after Eden compatibility.
~ Changed: removed german tanks shields and skirts selections and made them 1 selection (“shields” for STUG III and “skirt” for King Tiger and Panther) for EDEN compatibility.
~ Changed: removed Panzer IV H shields selections and made them 1 selection (“shields_hull” and “shields_turret”) for EDEN compatibility.
~ Fixed: missing hitboxes in Fire Geometry LOD.
~ Fixed: set all trackspeed values to 1 to correspond to actual wheels rotation speed and prevent tracks texture desynchronisation.
~ Fixed: reinforced armor and better setup for further armor tweaking.
~ Fixed: removed T34 85 turret definition in config as there is no counterpart in 3D.
~ Fixed: removed Panzer IV H turret definition in config as there is no counterpart in 3D.
~ Fixed: loader/machinegunner proxies naming and position issues for JS-2.
~ Fixed: base IF main head lights were faulty.
~ Fixed: all headlights are now working.
~ Fixed: various proxies adjusments.
~ Fixed: Faulty path \a3\data_f\penetration\default.rvmat in tank p3d.
~ Fixed: Hatches issues.
~ Fixed: Panzer VIB cargo get in/cargo dir memory point clean-up.
~ Fixed: model.cfg wheels skeleton made more specific to avoid some log spam.
~ Fixed: some destruct tower models required anims that did not exist anymore.
~ Fixed: missing sections in WW2_Tank.
~ Fixed: T34/76 driver"s hatch angle.
~ Fixed: Sherman's commander hatch anim angle issue.
~ Fixed: LIB_Wheeled_APC_base fixed to A3 APC_Tracked_03_base_F armor values.
~ Fixed: bugged frictionVsSlipGraph definition.
~ Fixed: reverse speed adjusments.
~ Fixed: revised wheelcircumferences.
~ Fixed: mainheadlight was missing from tanks sections.
~ Fixed: JS-2 gun was misaligned in memory LOD.
~ Fixed: Vickers tracks anim.
~ Fixed: Viewcargo LOD for Sherman.
~ Fixed: Panzer IV H section inheritance.
~ Fixed: Tiger tracks shadow issue.
~ Fixed: Stug muzzle flash issue.
~ Fixed: wheels clean up in memory LOD.
~ Fixed: JS2 right wheels were not aligned with left wheels.
~ Fixed: Tiger 2 right wheels were not aligned with left wheels.
~ Fixed: missing AnimationSources for EDEN compatibility.
~ Fixed: changeGearMinEffectivity values had too much decimals.
~ Fixed: expanded all torque curves based on RedPheonix's values.
~ Fixed: faulty or missing reticle points in memory LOD.
~ Fixed: animated sights.
~ Fixed: cleaned up geometry LOD for trucks/cars/wheeledAPCs.
~ Fixed: driver hatch anim issue in T34 ViewDriver LOD.
~ Fixed: T34 drivers could see outside when turned out.
~ Fixed: missing reticle points in memory LOD.
~ Fixed: reticle_h_axis angle was wrong.
~ Fixed: JS2 and Sherman reticle axis definition in model.cfg.
~ Fixed: missing reticle axis namedselection in memory LOD.
~ Fixed: JS-2 reticle animations.
~ Fixed: King Tiger last wheel anim.
~ Fixed: Wheel reference not initialized.
~ Fixed: mines ammo review.
~ Fixed: center of mass was too foward.
~ Fixed: mass distribution in geometry LOD.
~ Fixed: Panzer IV H mass distribution.
~ Fixed: bouncing wrecks.
~ Fixed: Sherman wreck had no collision.
~ Fixed: visual name of HitTracks changed to save namedselections.
~ Fixed: anim error on Panzer IVH.
~ Fixed: all zasleh/recoils set to ArmA 3 standards.
~ Fixed: anim issue for T34-76 commander hatch.
~ Fixed: octochalven selection in geolod for gunparticles compatibility.
~ Fixed: all zasleh set to ArmA 3 standards.
~ Fixed: PzKpfw IV H main zasleh selection changed to zasleh_3.
~ Fixed: Recoil anim source changed to reload.
~ Fixed: Hatches animations cleanup.
~ Fixed: tracks in Geometry Phys LOD were touching the ground (better handling).
~ Fixed: crew hitboxes of JS-2 are now boxes.
~ Fixed: Tiger tank Shadow LOD cleanup.
~ Fixed: most of turrets hitboxes were wrong.
~ Fixed: memory LOD cleanup.
~ Fixed: remaining tracks named selections cleanup.
~ Fixed: T34/76 turret hitbox missed bottom part.
~ Fixed: missing wheels named selections on lod 3-4-5-6 of kingstiger.
~ Fixed: missing wheels named selections on lod 2-3-4-5 of SU-85.
~ Fixed: driver/cargo view angles were faulty.
~ Fixed: squared Sherman gunner sight.
~ Fixed: missing ViewCargo/Gunner/Driver LODs.
~ Fixed: Sherman turret axis was faulty + empty gunner LOD.
~ Removed: StuG III zoom for gunner's optic.
~ Removed: tracks in Geometry Phys LOD.
~ Removed: "visual_" named selections in resolution LODs.
~ Removed: missed Stage 2 cleanup.
~ Removed: all references to former binoculars system.
~ Removed: PzKpfw IV H binTurret anims.
~ Removed: Deprecated binturret anim.
~ Removed: Deprecated reload anim.
~ Removed: former binoculars proxies.
~ Removed: wheels proxies from ADS.
~ Removed: ViewCargo LODS when they where duplicates of resolution LOD1.
~ Removed: deprecated section for JS-2.
~ Removed: gun and turret memory point in Panzer 4 memory LOD.
~ Removed: deprecated turret/gun bones.
~ Removed: "visual_" named selections.
~ Removed: edit lods that were all useless/old.
~ Removed: duplicated wheels in FireGeometry LOD after Stage 1.
~ Removed: all deprecated namedselection in FireGeometry LOD.
~ Removed: turret rings hitboxes when not visible (made them too strong at weak point).
~ Removed: double turret ring on some tanks (made them too strong at weak point).
~ Removed: deprecated animation sources for all tanks configs.
~ Removed: deprecated Bin Turret references in model.cfg.
~ Removed: forgotten ADS anim for PzKpfw VI B.