Arma 3 Patch 1.92
- Dettagli
- Pubblicato Lunedì, 29 Aprile 2019 10:01
- Scritto da Djmitri
- Visite: 1336
- Added: Added: Dynamic magazines (proxies) to the following weapons: AKM, AK-12, AKS, MX, CAR-95, TRG-21, Mk20, Mk14, RPG-7, SPAR-16 (and expanded magazine wells with additional weapons)*
- Added: Support for Creator DLC
* This change allows different types (e.g. color) magazines to be loaded into the same weapon dynamically, but some faction loadouts (characters, containers, and vehicle cargos) have changed!
- Added: Sand 5.56 STANAG magazines to the magazine wells
- Added: Checking of the noPop variable for Swivel Targets
- Added: EmptyLoadout config class for the creation of empty unit loadouts
- Tweaked: Adjusted camo of magazines used in the editor-placed weapons which are using magazine proxies
- Tweaked: Increased the MX SW rate of fire to 750 rounds per minute
- Fixed: The door on the Field Toilet and Toiletbox should work again
- Fixed: Pacific NATO and CSAT UGV groups should now have Tropical versions of UGVs
- Fixed: Respawn Backpacks / camps now work correctly in MP; can also be placed by Zeus
- Fixed: NATO vehicles in the "Remnants of War" campaign were using Pacific liveries
- Fixed: A few remaining vehicles in which it still was not possible to open the compass
- Fixed: CTRG story character loadouts
- Fixed: Zubr .45 ACP magazine well definition
- Tweaked: AKSU magazine proxy replacement timing
- Tweaked: The BLUFOR M320 does not shine so much anymore
- Tweaked: Adjusted RPG-7 magazine proxy switching and slightly adjusted the proxy position
- Fixed: Adjusted STANAG 5.56 magazine height to avoid clipping with some of the magwells
- Added: Forest SoundEnvironExt for backward compatibility (it's using the same samples as forest_exp)
- Added: Van (Ambulance) is now using a custom sound controller for its siren
- Fixed: The Varsuk turbine was audible even when the tank had been wrecked (
- Added: Unless their base is under attack, all playable units are now invulnerable after respawn until they leave the base (60 seconds maximum)
- Added: Long-range AA defense assets (SAM sites / radars)
- Added: Autonomous defenses are now limited to 3 per player
- Added: A parameter for maximum Command Points
- Added: A custom offset parameter for the Defenses
- Added: Friendly Fire protection for requested assets (first 3 minutes after being requested)
- Added: A team balance parameter
- Added: You can now blacklist units the AI will purchase by using WLAIRequisitonBlacklist[] = {}; with an array of blacklisted infantry classnames in you scenario's description.ext file
- Added: The cost of any asset can now be changed in the scenario's description.ext file (details)
- Tweaked: The cost of planes was increased
- Changed: Most requested assets are now locked by default and can be unlocked either directly via the Action menu or through the Strategy tab in the Request menu
- Changed: Increased the cost of repair and ammo trucks as well as the Rhino
- Changed: The Subordinates limit was increased to 3 for the 64-player Altis scenario
- Fixed: Various script errors
- Fixed: Static defenses no longer limit the maximum group size even when deleted
- Fixed: Vehicles presets in the editor would not be spawned for sectors owned from the start by BLUFOR or OPFOR
- Fixed: Friendly Fire penalty issues
- Fixed: Funds transfer exploit
- Fixed: Sector vote calculation for dead players
- Removed: Respawn backpacks from Virtual Arsenal
- Removed: Mine dispensers from Virtual Arsenal (performance issues)
- Added: Loading a scenario in Eden Editor will now call the "init3DEN.sqf" script in the scenario folder (when present). This can be useful for executing scenario-specific editor functionality.
- Tweaked: Added better error reporting for incompatible markers; upgraded to serialize the 3D position instead of 2D
- Tweaked: Increased precision of the marker position when serializing
- Tweaked: Key Frame Timelines are no longer calculated on each frame when their animation is not running
- Changed: Expanded the Tracers module with a few extra attributes for setting a custom weapon and target for the tracers
- Fixed: The Tracers module was able to run out of ammo
- Fixed: Environmental sounds were audible in the Eden Editor after loading or starting new scenarios even if they had been disabled in preferences
- Fixed: Eden Editor export to SQF was not saving vehicle appearances correctly
- Added: getMarkerPos [markerName, preserveElevation] for working with the Z coordinate
- Added: BIS_fnc_markerToString, BIS_fnc_stringToMarker, BIS_fnc_stringToMarkerLocal serialization functions
- Added: Scripted Event Handler OnGameInterrupt
- Tweaked: BIS_fnc_switchLamp is now using recently 'fixed' switchLight command instead of breaking / fixing the lamp's light bulb
- Fixed: Added BIS_fnc_setIdentity safeguard from applying empty values (
- Fixed: Identity not persisting in BIS_fnc_arsenal
- Fixed: Camera bug in BIS_fnc_arsenal
- Fixed: Typo in the function body of BIS_fnc_setDate (
- Changed: Tanks DLC addons have been converted from EBO to the PBO format
- Fixed: IDAP's AR-2 drone was missing translations for its livery in Virtual Garage
- Fixed: Texts for the Clear All Mines waypoint were not localized
- Fixed: RPT errors related to the VTOL_01 hit points
- Fixed: Non-local tank suspension looked wrong in multiplayer
- Added: kickTimeout settings in the server configs*
- Added: OnUserKicked event handler for the server configs*
- Added: kick.txt which works in sync with the new kickTimeout server config parameter (it is stored alongside ban.txt)*
- Added: A server config parameter lobbyIdleTime to manage players sitting idle in the mission/role selection or briefing**
- Tweaked: allowedVoteCmds extended with a 'friendly ratio' - players are kicked if enough of players of the same side vote to kick*
- Fixed: ban.txt would sometimes be read from or written to the game root, other times the user folder. From now on, it's always the user folder.
- Fixed: It was not possible to write into ban.txt and kick.txt
* Preliminary documentation for kickTimeout, onUserKicked, side-votekick-ratio on our forums
** Preliminary documentation for votingTimeOut, roleTimeOut, briefingTimeOut, debriefingTimeOut, lobbyIdleTimeout on our forums
** Preliminary documentation for votingTimeOut, roleTimeOut, briefingTimeOut, debriefingTimeOut, lobbyIdleTimeout on our forums
- Added: Support for a new simple expression in weapon sound configuration (camPos)
- Fixed: Extreme volumes are no longer possible with playSound3D
- Added: The lightIsOn command can now be used on the same objects as the switchLight command
- Added: A new scripting command (setBehaviourStrong) for forcing a behaviour to the Group itself
- Added: New scripting commands for simple graphs: getGraphValues, decayGraphValues, ctrlSetPositionX, ctrlSetPositionY, ctrlSetPositionW, ctrlSetPositionH, bezierInterpolation
- Added: New scripting commands for working with matrices and vectors interpolation: vectorLinearConversion, matrixTranspose, matrixMultiply
- Added: A getter (customWaypointPosition) for the player's custom waypoint (LShift + LMB)
- Added: Support for forcing the initial direction of 3D particles
- Added: A disableAI / enableAI "NVG" option for the AI to not use worn NVGs
- Added: A disableAI / enableAI "LIGHTS" option for disabling AI from controlling lights
- Added: Muzzle event handlers for reloading weapons (reload - start, reloaded - finished)
- Added: A mission event handler for the change of the time acceleration (HandleAccTime - returning true also suppresses the IGUI message)
- Added: Scripted control over (legitimate) missile targets of guided missiles or target positions of manually guided missiles (setMissileTargetPos, missileTargetPos, setMissileTarget, missileTarget)
- Added: A script command to trigger a munition (triggerAmmo)
- Added: Support for the green TI mode in render-to-target and the setPiPEffect scripting command
- Changed: switchLight now supports terrain objects, entities, and terrain lamps (automatic when "on")
- Changed: Increased the limit of array length for scripting DLL extensions to 2048
- Changed: The getSuppression command now returns -1 if an object is invalid, non-local, or there is no suppression enabled
- Changed: boundingBox and boundingBoxReal now can be passed a number (0-ClipVisual, 1-ClipShadow, 2-ClipGeometry, 3-ClipGeneral) and return the bounding sphere value
- Fixed: lnbSetTooltip (
- Fixed: The year would not always sync when setDate was called from the server
- Fixed: animatePylon and setAmmoOnPylon would not take a pylon name as an argument
- Tweaked: Eden Editor model selection detection over character weapons has been improved
- Fixed: Module areas were not hiding along with the rest of the models in Eden Editor
- Fixed: create3DENComposition created objects but did not return an array (
- Fixed: A possible crash when reading the headGforceLeaningFactor parameter
- Fixed: Magazine proxy texture flickering (they were instanced)
- Fixed: Constant black in / out when a player's UGV was critically damaged
- Fixed: Allow Lights in the UAV Terminal did not work
- Fixed: RPT errors related to deprecated strings
- Fixed: Players were not considered in the list of a trigger when they entered a vehicle of another group
- Added: DLC support in Launcher
- Added: Offical Servers tab in the SERVERS category
- Added: Creator DLC Global Mobilization is now visible as 'optional DLC'
- Updated: Stand-alone Windows Dedicated Server (1.92)
Updated: Stand-alone Linux Dedicated Server (1.92)
- Known issue: Steam client modifies the steam_appid.txt file incorrectly. In case of issues, verify its content is: 107410
- Known issue: Sometimes the add-ons are loaded from the wrong installation (e.g. main game)
- Try adding -mod=curator;kart;heli;mark;expansion;jets;argo;orange;tacops;tank;dlcbundle;dlcbundle2 to your arma3server.exe shortcut