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Arma 3 Patch 1.34


  • Added: CH-67 Huron*
  • Added: Huron black variant*
  • Added: Huron cargo container
  • Added: Huron medical container
  • Added: Huron repair container
  • Added: Huron fuel container
  • Added: Huron ammo container
  • Added: Mi-290 Taru*
  • Added: Taru black variants* (not accessible without scripting)
  • Added: Taru with transport pod*
  • Added: Taru with special-purpose bench pod*
  • Added: Taru with medical pod*
  • Added: Taru with cargo pod*
  • Added: Taru with repair pod*
  • Added: Taru with fuel pod*
  • Added: Taru with ammo pod*
  • Added: Taru transport pod*
  • Added: Taru special-purpose bench pod*
  • Added: Taru medical pod*
  • Added: Taru cargo pod
  • Added: Taru repair pod
  • Added: Taru fuel pod
  • Added: Taru ammo pod
  • Added: M-900
  • Added: P-30 Orca black / white weapon variant
  • Added: Helicopter VR Training "Basics"
  • Added: Helicopter VR Training "Weapon Systems"
  • Added: Helicopter VR Training "Sling Loading"
  • Added: Helicopter VR Training "Advanced"
  • Added: MP Scenario "Support Katalaki"
  • Added: MP Scenario "Support Sofia"
  • Added: MP Scenario "Support Pyrgos"
  • Added: MP Scenario "Support Rodopoli"
  • Added: MP Scenario "Support Stratis"
  • Added: Showcase Sling Loading**
  • Added: Time Trial 06 "Runway Lap"
  • Added: Time Trial 07 "Hillside Groove"**
  • Added: Time Trial 08 "King of the Hill"**
  • Added: Time Trial 09 "Kiss the Ground"**
  • Added: Time Trial 10 "Kart Delivery"**
  • Added: Support module (Ground Support)
  • Added: Third Farsi radio protocol
  • Added: Arma 3 main theme Helicopters remix
  • Added: Flexible tank (2 items)
  • Added: Cargo net with crates (5 items)
  • Added: Smaller containers (12 items)
  • Added: Portable helipad lights (5 items)
  • Added: Helicopter big cover bag
  • Added: Water and fuel bladder (4 items)
  • Added: Secondary containment (4 items)
  • Added: Wheel pull device (2 items)
  • Added: Discharge stick
  • Added: Rigging rope
  • Added: Intake plug (5 items)
  • Added: Pitot cover
  • Added: Pressure washer
  • Added: Wheeled scaffolding
  • Added: Wheeled tool kart
  • Added: Portable engine crane
  • Added: Diesel Ground Power Unit
  • Added: Jet Engine Air Start Unit
  • Added: Water pump
  • Added: Wheel chocks
  • Added: Windsock
  • Added: Landing platform
  • Added: Welding cart
  • Added: Welding tank
  • Added: Gas tank (3 items)
  • Added: Wheelie Bin
  • Added: Aircon ('Outside part')
  • Added: Transport boxes (6 items)
  • Added: Pallet trolley
  • Added: Office table (2 items)
  • Added: Office chair
  • Added: Office cabinet
  • Added: Rattan table and chair (2 items)
  • Added: Refrigerator
  • Added: Tableware (9 items)
  • Added: Microwave
  • Added: Workbench
  • Added: Flat-screen TV
  • Added: Camera
  • Added: Desktop PC (4 items)
  • Added: PC printer
  • Added: Projector
  • Added: Portable speaker(s)
  • Added: Game console (4 items)
  • Added: HDMI cable
  • Added: Tablet
  • Added: Sport balls (5 items)
  • Added: Baseball mitt
  • Added: Sling Loading for helicopters (all helicopters except for the AH-99 and Mi-48 Kajman can now Sling Load)
  • Added: Key binding for rope interaction (attaching / releasing cargo) - default: B
  • Added: Key binding for Sling Load Assistant added - default: Right Ctrl + B
  • Added: Neophron, Buzzard, Greyhawk / Ababil, Speed Boat, Assault Boat, SDV, most wheeled vehicles (except APCs), and various objects are Sling Loadable
  • Added: Firing from Vehicles for HEMTT, Zamak, Tempest, Offroad, Hellcat, Hummingbird, Mohawk, Truck and Assault Boat
  • Added: Advanced Flight Model (RotorLib) simulation; it is available for all stock helicopters (disabled by default; available after switching in CONFIGURE > GAME)
  • Added: DLC content browser
  • Added: Main rotor of helicopters is properly hidden when damaged by impacts
  • Added: Winch damage indicator
  • Added: Dragging an object over a Sling Load capable helicopter will now attach the object to it (Zeus)
  • Added: Memory points for Sling Load cameras
  • Added: Tooltips to Advanced Flight Model settings in game options
  • Added: New winch destruction particle effects
  • Added: New sound attenuation class for semi-opened helicopters
  • Added: Sling Load cursors to Zeus
  • Added: Shake based on G forces for all air vehicles
  • Added: Possibility to re-texture Kerry's backpack by popular demand
  • Added: Friendly Fire to the remaining Commanding VR courses
  • Added: New sound attenuation filter classes for helicopters
  • Added: Parameter numberPhysicalWheels to vehicles
  • Added: Config for 'sitting on bench' SFX
  • Added: More memory points for the Mohawk
  • Added: Some movement to the oil temperature indicator for the xH-9 family of helicopters
  • Added: Done keys for faction showcases
  • Added: Sounds for breaking a rope
  • Added: Proper DLC Bundle logo and overview text
  • Added: DLC part to scenario loading screens
  • Added: Rolling sound on dirt roads
  • Updated: 3D ring and sphere helpers
  • Updated: Sling Loading controls in the Arma 2 preset
  • Updated: HUD for Blackfoot and Kajman with RTD components
  • Updated: Remixed sounds for Blackfoot, Kajman, Hellcat, Ghosthawk and Mohawk
  • Updated: HMD of the Orca and Hellcat
  • Updated: Credits with new developers
  • Updated: The exact heading in the HMD of the Orca should now show full number instead of just rounding to the nearest ten
  • Updated: The HMDs of helicopters should now use the new, freelook-friendly vector source in their velocity direction indicator and will always match the RTD one (with Show Gauges in options)
  • Updated: Actions of buildings to prevent UAVs, snakes and players in vehicles from manipulating doors
  • Updated: BIS_fnc_getVehicleWeapons to use more accurate detection of vehicle turrets (now using allTurrets command)
  • Updated: Showcase Gunships - Being shot down while attacking the Naval Base now causes the mission to fail
  • Changed: Speed scale in the HMD of the Kajman from 500 to 300
  • Changed: Top-right altitude number in the HMD of the Kajman from AGL to ASL and fixed an unintended offset on the AGL scale
  • Changed: Ghosthawk gunner is no longer forced into optics
  • Changed: Renamed vehicle class ManVR has been renamed to MenVR to be consistent with the rest of characters
  • Changed: Weapon_Empty holder now stays long enough (see
  • Changed: Weapon resupply widget FSM is showing the weapon name instead of magazine
  • Changed: Samples of helicopter damage alarm
  • Changed: Karts DLC data decrypted (EBO to PBO)
  • Changed: Hint class name at the start of VR training
  • Tweaked: Fuel consumption of various helicopters (xH-9 family and Ghosthawk)
  • Tweaked: Cruise speed of xH-9 family and Ghosthawk
  • Tweaked: Ground contacts of PO-30 Orca, Blackfoot and Ghosthawk
  • Tweaked: Made the gun crosshair smaller and color brighter in the HMD of the Blackfoot
  • Tweaked: New sound configurations for all helicopters (remixed samples and new features enabled)
  • Tweaked: Horizon indicator in the HMD of the Blackfoot to match the real horizon better
  • Tweaked: Major and minor lines on the G-meter in the HMD of the Kajman
  • Tweaked: Volume of turning engine on and off for helicopters
  • Tweaked: Helicopter SFX parameters
  • Tweaked: Gear air friction for the Mohawk
  • Tweaked: FD / TT feedback sound volume increased slightly (audibility versus helicopters)
  • Tweaked: Increased volume of helicopter explosions sounds
  • Tweaked: Extended the draw area of the velocity direction indicator in the Orca to its full HMD area
  • Tweaked: Various helicopter SFX configurations
  • Tweaked: Decreased maximumLoad of Ababil and Grayhawk internal inventory by half
  • Tweaked: Vehicle stress sounds
  • Tweaked: Crash sounds for helicopters
  • Removed: Legacy DirectX installation folder (now handled through Steam)
  • Fixed: Ground contact of several helicopters
  • Fixed: Wrong separator for retreatBladeStallWarningSpeed (thanks kju)
  • Fixed: Dragging Sling Load incompatible objects on a helicopter now moves them below the helicopter (Zeus)
  • Fixed: Sling Loaded vehicles were not compatible with Zeus paradrop
  • Fixed: Gunners of Ghosthawk had issue with disembarking
  • Fixed: Empty shells particle effect on vehicle-mounted machineguns
  • Fixed: Grass was not affected by copter downwash enough
  • Fixed: Middle wheels of Marid for some scripts (see
  • Fixed: Animated torque indicator for the xH-9 family of helicopters
  • Fixed: Added missing material to last LODs of walls
  • Fixed: Missing sample for helicopters
  • Fixed: Magazines with scope < 2 were available when editing ammo box contents
  • Fixed: ORBAT tooltips were not visible in OBRAT viewer
  • Fixed: Adjusted exit points of the Hummingbird co-pilot to prevent him getting stuck
  • Fixed: Player was able to delete soldiers required for completing Showcase Zeus
  • Fixed: End screen for Sector Control text (it was showing "MISSION COMPLETED" for both winners and losers)
  • Fixed: Artillery shells now do proper damage if they hit something on their way (even before turning into mine clusters e.g.)
  • Fixed: Player would remain in ragdoll after unsuccessful try in VR Commanding - Vehicles Course
  • Fixed: Double restart when dying after using Restart (Time Trials)
  • Fixed: TTs would not end after disabling your vehicle but not dying
  • Fixed: Flying MLRS rocket damages objects it hits before the explosive triggers
  • Fixed: Player is now able to switch back seats in the Hellcat including the door ones
  • Fixed: Turning tower of Greyhawk doesn't make it start the engine anymore
  • Fixed: Showcase Armed Assault Bobcat at the end did not move properly when trying to push the wreck
  • Fixed: Firing Drills UI had incorrect layering
  • Fixed: Guided artillery ammunition doesn't seek its target properly
  • Fixed: Darter did some random movements while in auto-hover
  • Fixed: BIS_fnc_loop is not reliable because of preemption (
  • Fixed: "M134_minigun" wasn't recognized correctly by BIS_fnc_itemType
  • Fixed: BIS_fnc_crewCount recognized cargo turrets as active crew
  • Fixed: TT01 - Glitching fire extinguisher
  • Fixed: Possible infinite loop in particle script when helicopter / airplane is destroyed
  • Fixed: Pedal animations of Blackfoot pilots were inverted
  • Fixed: Multiplayer - ZGM 4+1 Bootcamp - Problem in the grenade firing range
  • Fixed: Distance loudness parameter of raise / lower weapon
  • Fixed: Player could not place these mines: Large IED (Dug-in), Large IED (Urban), Small IED (Dug-in) and Small IED (Urban)
  • Fixed: Camo selection of camouflaged vest
  • Fixed: Cumulative TT bonuses / penalties were not correctly reset on looping
  • Fixed: Sound for rolling on the ground with a sidearm
  • Fixed: Tab highlighting in Controls
  • Fixed: Sandstorm moving and colliding with objects in Showcase Tanks
  • Fixed: Copilots have properly visible compass
  • Fixed: Misplaced fire geometry of the left side door of the Mohawk
  • Fixed: AAF soldiers being reported as pilots
  • Fixed: Right door gunner in Ghosthawk is able to see the compass
  • Fixed: TT CP helper objects could try to be mapped by an illegal procedural texture
  • Fixed: Wrong image for the Starter Pistol in the DLC browse


Potential Campaign Spoilers:

  • Fixed: Mission flow issue in Signal Lost when picking up a radio
  • Fixed: Player had two UAV terminals at the beginning of Preventive Diplomacy
  • Fixed: Tipping Point - Player was unable to board the boat under certain circumstances
  • Fixed: Intro for the campaign mission Attention Deficit was broken

* Restrictions apply for those who don't own Arma 3 Helicopters DLC.
** Content requires ownership of the Arma 3 Helicopters DLC.



  • Added: Firing from Vehicles technology
  • Added: Sling Loading technology
  • Added: Scripting commands and event handlers:
  • Added: New waypoints for Sling Loading: lift cargo and drop cargo
  • Added: Support for Sling Loading to Zeus
  • Added: RotorLib helicopter Advanced Flight Model
  • Added: New parameter for description.ext - forceRotorLibSimulation (0 - default, options based; 1 forced on; 2 forced off)
  • Added: New command difficultyEnabledRTD
  • Added: New condition and sources for helicopter HUD (rtdCollective, windage, rtdRotorTorque, rtdGForce)
  • Added: DLC content browser
  • Added: New features to diagnose rendering and cleanup to optimize it
  • Added: Ability to show GPS / UAV Feed / Sling Load Assistant in optics
  • Added: Hook waypoint cursor to Zeus
  • Added: Sound: Start / stop samples for 'common' vehicles
  • Added: Sound: Vehicle controller lateralMovement
  • Added: Support to map up to 32 buttons for one controller
  • Added: New UI toggles for RTD helicopters
  • Added: Support for user-defined colors for vehicle IGUI toggles
  • Added: Sound: Missing wind controller
  • Added: Sound: Rope break sound
  • Added: UI toggles for vehicles
  • Added: New scripting command for getting a list of all crew from a vehicle: fullCrew
  • Added: serverCommandExecutable script command for checking whether a given server command can be executed. Must be called from a UI handler and thus matches serverCommand behavior (unlike serverCommandAvailable)
  • Added: RPT logs when the ownership of DLC has changed (
  • Added: Set of new commands for working with turrets namely: allTurrets, magazineTurretAmmo, setMagazineTurretAmmo
  • Added: Additional profiling macros to explosion effects and ammo simulation
  • Added: Sound: Controller camPos = 1 for players on benches
  • Added: Enabled long distance error calculation
  • Added: Sound: GMeterZ1
  • Added: Sound: Support for AnimationSourceDoor (helicopter ramps)
  • Added: Support for driver turrets in new magazine turret scripting commands
  • Added: Garbage collector for empty Zeus groups so the player doesn't get stuck with creating units due to group limits being exceeded
  • Added: Sound: New controller - rotorDamage
  • Added: Sound: System initialization reports and initialization of error detection
  • Added: Setting a short timestamp as default in RPT
  • Added: Reporting scenario name when a scenario starts
  • Added: Sound: Attenuation for turrets
  • Improved: AI helicopter landing
  • Improved: AI seeing a kill visibility check
  • Updated: AI behavior when Sling Loading
  • Updated: AI aiming speed tweaked with new dexterity of weapon data
  • Updated: The ctrlCreate function to define a target controls group for a new control
  • Updated: ctrlCreate takes a control instead of IDC as target group
  • Updated: Sound: Crash volume
  • Updated: The static string table for MP optimization
  • Updated: Sound: Sound controllers diagnostic
  • Updated: Sound: Play rotor damage when stress mode is enabled
  • Updated: Sound: Controllers: GMeterZ & camPos
  • Changed: All public drawDiag* methods renamed to draw* to simplify the names
  • Changed: Compression for speed and angular speed to 16 bit float (network optimization)
  • Tweaked: AI is now more careful when flying above trees
  • Tweaked: Sound: Crash sound played when not damaged, changed next sample's interval
  • Tweaked: Disabled remote positioning checks on destroyed objects
  • Tweaked: Higher message age limit on clients for prediction (still accepts a 1s time window between messages)
  • Tweaked: Game start-up optimization (string table)
  • Tweaked: The pilot of a vehicle with formation leader takes the lead
  • Tweaked: Sound: Crash volume is now based on speed
  • Tweaked: If a formation leader is Sling Loaded, the pilot takes the lead
  • Tweaked: Sound: Smoothed sound controllers GMeter and lateralMovement
  • Tweaked: Sound: Controller indexes & values interpolation
  • Tweaked: Sound: camPos controller
  • Removed: Sound: Start / stop 'internal' volume coefficient
  • Fixed: Blinking editing zones in Zeus
  • Fixed: Unassigning destroyed vehicles from groups
  • Fixed: switchMove command clears external move
  • Fixed: Order get in for commanding menu
  • Fixed: Hit point color for wheels on 4-wheeled cars
  • Fixed: TaskSetAsCurrent returns array properly
  • Fixed: Taking Items from a dead body by two players at same time caused duplicity
  • Fixed: Killed unit does not disclose killer
  • Fixed: MP - Player was unable to pick up items from non-local containers
  • Fixed: A problem with the position of non-local helicopter wrecks
  • Fixed: A vehicle could be changing its wheel state and not be in the PhysX scene
  • Fixed: Serialization of the last remembered fields of path for AI
  • Fixed: Dead loop in path locking of a given thread
  • Fixed: Undefined variable in the coefficients array (causing MP message spam)
  • Fixed: Get in command when units are already in a vehicle (it will default itself to get out)
  • Fixed: CTD on accessing uninitialized memory
  • Fixed: Soldiers rotating on the spot or moving in circles once a certain point of their path is reached
  • Fixed: CTD when calling GetIRData
  • Fixed: CTD caused by cost map refresh
  • Fixed: Not working None glasses in identity
  • Fixed: Not saving addGoggles state
  • Fixed: Game crashes when player tries to start MP with soldier wearing backpack
  • Fixed: Equipment can't be retrieved from a container on dead players
  • Fixed: Some problems with soldier MP position prediction
  • Fixed: setObjectViewDistance command
  • Fixed: CTD caused by many soldiers with IR
  • Fixed: Store the last time controller was used and if it's longer than 5 seconds, don't rumble
  • Fixed: Automatic closing dialogs when mission ends (closeOnMissionEnd in config)
  • Fixed: Invalid HMD velocity vector when looking away from it
  • Fixed: CTD when accessing an out of range proxy element
  • Fixed: Wrong condition when deciding whether an object can have proxies or not
  • Fixed: Inventory - Player can't pick up the last ammo from the container of a dead AI
  • Fixed: CTD when accessing a null pointer when clearing landscape
  • Fixed: Automatic ejection of the player from helicopters when a respawn is presented
  • Fixed: Invalid velocity vector when looking away from it
  • Fixed: CTD when working with a faulty public variable. Disabled the propagation of faulty variables over the network.
  • Fixed: Deactivated mines don't show the "Take" action
  • Fixed: serverCommandAvailable "#kick" not returning true / false correctly
  • Fixed: Assertion when there are missing config colors for UI toggles
  • Fixed: Removed automatic centering of turrets when a player moves out
  • Fixed: Soldiers getting damage from each other while ejecting from helicopters
  • Fixed: Network camera direction (switched X and Z coords)
  • Fixed: CTD when accessing uninitialized memory
  • Fixed: Nil public variables would not broadcast over the network
  • Fixed: Multiplayer - Zeus CTD
  • Fixed: 2 x Ctrl should now raise the weapon in crouch stance
  • Fixed: CTD when calling the getConfig script command on a faulty value
  • Fixed: Possible CTD if a weapon holder is not created
  • Fixed: Crash in UpdateCollisionGroup with missing shape
  • Fixed: Crash for an object with no skeleton in a shape
  • Fixed: setTimeMultiplier, so it is limited as it should be
  • Fixed: Get in animation no longer falls down for hovering helicopters
  • Fixed: assignAsCargo so it is taking into account locked positions
  • Fixed: Added checks for the assignment state and lock state of positions for ordered cargo
  • Fixed: Placement of some things in the creation tree in Zeus
  • Fixed: Sound: Transport doors - wait until samples played functionality
  • Fixed: Loading of scenario picture
  • Fixed: Loading screen could pop up every ~10 seconds in MP
  • Fixed: CTD when calling SetDestroyed on an object without geometry LOD
  • Fixed: assignAsCargo on Dedicated Server
  • Fixed: Crash
  • Fixed: Event Handler Take returns wrong value for container if it's a dead unit
  • Fixed: Sound: Explosion sounds in first person (in vehicles)
  • Fixed: Sound: SoundDamage repeats after several moments
  • Fixed: Precise get in / out animations not taking vehicle lock into account



  • Added: Updated UI look & feel
  • Added: Application window is now re-sizable
  • Added: Probing for arma3.exe path when the path can't be read from registry (e.g. because the registry entry doesn't exist)
  • Added: Company logo to the main window
  • Updated: URL of the Support page
  • Fixed: Thumbnails are not being updated correctly
  • Fixed: Application sometimes crashed when a user attempted to maximize it on a screen that contained the Windows taskbar
  • Fixed: The load order number was cropped when it had more than 2 digits
  • Fixed: Replaced conversion from pointer to number to simple explicit cast (convert may cause unnecessary exception)






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