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Arma 2 Patch 1.03 in arrivo presto




Placebo ha annunciato che presto verrà rilasciata la patch v1.03 per ArmA2. Non è ancora disponibile una data certa e potrebbero esserci delle aggiunte e altre correzioni prima del rilascio, ma di sicuro i BIS sono sempre al lavoro per noi e continueranno a migliorare le prestazioni del gioco.Non ci resta che aspettare fiduciosi  
Ben fatto BIS!!!

ha scritto ...

Patch log:
- Improved airplane HUD visibility.
- Direct analogue throttle and brake for airplanes now available.
- Optimization: Reduced frame stutter near map borders.
- Sea surface was not rendered in NE area out of map.
- Terrain surface was sometimes using wrong parallax map.
- Grenade can destroy a building just by impact
- Radio echo elimination
- Team switch did not work when player died
- More flexible configuration of Flares in the config (brightness, size)
- Reduced AI detecting slowly moving enemy vehicles by ear.
- Prevent killed units reporting who killed them.
The above will be fixed/improved as applicable and are of course subject to change in terms of inclusion in 1.03, nor does this list mean that other fixes won't be included with 1.03
And before you ask, no current ETA besides as soon as possible
Fonte :
[Inviata da Ardito]
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