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Arma 3 Patch 1.50



  • Added: PlayerSteeringCoefficients configuration for basic vehicle types (adjusting sensitivity and linearity of steering)
  • Added: PlayerSteeringCoefficients for UGV
  • Added: Implementation of the new headgear randomization configs
  • Added: Tab highlighting in Game Options
  • Added: Tab highlighting to the MP Create Game display
  • Added: New sounds for 30mm and 40mm autocannons (separated by turret / body position)
  • Added: aiRateOfFire properties to fire modes meant for players to ensure the correct rate of fire even on short distances
  • Added: ‘Creative solution’ to preload the line texture to avoid mipmapping
  • Added: Support for description.ext CfgTimeTrials definitions (for self-contained TTs)
  • Added: BIS_fnc_unitHeadgear now supports custom parameters from the scenario config file
  • Added: CfgRemoteExecFunctions white-list for restricting script functions executable via remoteExec
  • Added: CfgRemoteExec for restricting script functions executable via remoteExec
  • Added: Parameter logicalOrder set for all Field Manual entries
  • Added: Labels of UI elements in RscDisplayServer are now in config
  • Added: An Empty Unit Insignia for clearing previously defined insignia
  • Added: Variants of smoke shells, chem lights and flares with infinite timeToLive (used in scripted modules)
  • Added: New samples for boats crashing into other boats
  • Added: Turret movement sounds for soft vehicles, APCs and MBTs
  • Added: Sounds of turret movement for CH-67 Huron and UH-80 Ghosthawk
  • Added: New size variations of particle effects for destroyed windows
  • Added: initPlayerSpectator.sqf for spectator slot initialization handling
  • Added: Sounds for turret movement on Speed Boat
  • Added: Icon for Tactical Backpack (Hex)
  • Added: Machine Gun Teams Community Guide
  • Added: BIS_fnc_animalRandomization now supports animal class Cock_random_F
  • Added: File patching indicator to Server Browser
  • Added: Tooltips to Post-Process settings in Video Options
  • Removed: All mentions of the legacy allSites command, replaced by entities Site_F
  • Removed: Weapon info during free fall
  • Removed: "Command mode" action from controls as it was redundant and offered exactly the same functionality as the "Select all units" action
  • Changed: Renamed selections and bones of building destructible parts from Dam_X + Unhide_X to Dam_X_hide + Dam_X_unhide
  • Changed: "Zeus" category in multiplayer role selection renamed to "Virtual" (it's more generic and open for future uses of virtual entities, e.g. a spectator role)
  • Changed: Copilot of the Hellcat has full control over the searchlight now (including switching it off and on again)
  • Changed: The randomization aspect of the animals is now handled by BIS_fnc_animalRandomization, For Goat's Sake
  • Changed: The old vehicle randomization (scripts) now uses VhC
  • Changed: Headgear and face wear randomization of the Guerilla units and civilians; the scripts now redirect to new function BIS_fnc_unitHeadgear
  • Changed: The scripts used to change the color of the Taru (including the pods) now use VhC
  • Changed: The old randomization scripts for animals now redirect to the new centralized system (BIS_fnc_animalRandomization)
  • Tweaked: AI versus clutter visibility (Altis & Stratis)
  • Tweaked: Wood material to try to improve AI visibility tests on tree trunks
  • Tweaked: Kneel sprint (unarmed, rifle, pistol and launcher) has been tweaked to be more plausible and balanced
  • Tweaked: Unarmed sprinting
  • Tweaked: Minor volume changes for MRAP turret movement sounds (
  • Tweaked: Configured aiAmmoUsageFlags for ammo of planes to help them choose proper weapons
  • Tweaked: Dogs will now move around more often
  • Tweaked: Rescue Boat, autonomous GMG and HMG turrets, Zamak Ammo and HEMTT Repair are now available in Virtual Garage
  • Tweaked: Links for collisions SFX of Stomper
  • Tweaked: Linked additional samples for turrets of AR-2 Darter
  • Tweaked: Proper sounds of shooting different munitions for Marshall
  • Tweaked: New sound samples for 105mm, 120mm, 125mm and 155mm cannons
  • Tweaked: New samples for boat crashes linked
  • Tweaked: Sound attenuation for tank crews
  • Tweaked: Linked new SFX samples for boat crashes
  • Tweaked: Linked new SFX sample for boats landing on shallows
  • Tweaked: Volume of bullets hitting armored glass
  • Tweaked: Improved collision sounds of rubber boats
  • Tweaked: Minor volume changes for commander turret movements
  • Tweaked: Adjusted the thermal image of Stavrou's face
  • Tweaked: Shoes of ghillie suits are less shiny now
  • Tweaked: Reduced shadows of the noses of the civilian driver and pilot
  • Tweaked: Color of CSAT backpacks
  • Tweaked: Shemaghs to work correctly for Asian faces
  • Tweaked: Skinning of chest plates / stripes on VR soldier
  • Tweaked: Improved skinning of stomach stripes for VR soldier
  • Tweaked: Improved skinning / mesh of arm strips for VR soldier
  • Tweaked: Given more space to the overview description of non-owned Challenges
  • Tweaked: Volume of launcher locking sounds increased
  • Tweaked: Inventory equipment of all tracked and wheeled APCs were standardized across all factions
  • Tweaked: Translations for many languages
  • Tweaked: Minor volume changes for shooting Cyrus with silencer
  • Tweaked: Collision shapes for character movement
  • Improved: Cars are no longer prone to explosions from small arms fire. Explosive shells & devices are now required to blow up cars.
  • Fixed: Missing animation source warnings for xH-9 variants
  • Fixed: Leaving the Zeus interface while the interface was hidden led to all icons disappearing
  • Fixed: Icon, localization, author and editor presence of Carrier Rig (Black)
  • Fixed: SDAR rifles should now have correct faction-specific tracers
  • Fixed: Even APCs have been taken back to manufacturers for improved puncture protection of their wheels
  • Fixed: Removed non-existing magazine with empty class name from TRG family of weapons
  • Fixed: Launcher bug in unarmed sprinting
  • Fixed: Module arguments config inheritance
  • Fixed: Replaced 2D icons for Zeus-only map objects
  • Fixed: Launcher bug from sprint with binoculars
  • Fixed: Even the raised commander turret on Striders goes correctly sad panda if destroyed (
  • Fixed: Camera's display no longer overlays the time indicator
  • Fixed: Section ComboBox doesn't appear any more in the Streamlined editor layout when using a Xbox controller
  • Fixed: Animation and sound speed for kneeled sprint with pistol in hand
  • Fixed: Animation files for kneel sprint in FL / FR directions were swapped
  • Fixed: CSAT technicians have adjusted BTR-K Kamysh to prevent rolling even at extremely high speeds (
  • Fixed: Spawning a grey sport hatchback from config was creating a red one
  • Fixed: Soldiers have been told that Titan AT is not a static MG and they should rather report it as a static AT
  • Fixed: IEDs can now be detonated by gunfire (
  • Fixed: Lowering primary weapon while prone no longer causes the soldier to stand up (
  • Fixed: Switching to binoculars while standing with pistol lowered no longer forces player to go prone (
  • Fixed: Missing icons for some of the particle modules
  • Fixed: AI no longer gets stuck in prone stance
  • Fixed: Dampers of the rear right wheel on Tempest trucks is now actually on the right side
  • Fixed: Missing interior tail sound samples for Navid MMG
  • Fixed: Adjusted center of mass of Motorboat to provide a smooth and straight ride
  • Fixed: Red CSAT insignia are now back on the soldier uniform
  • Fixed: Collecting Zeus Intel objects force-opened the map on all clients. Now it happens only for the person who collected the Intel.
  • Fixed: Some virtual role icons were missing
  • Fixed: Rocket cursors for Wipeout and Neophron were aiming under the point of impact of rockets
  • Fixed: Snakes are no longer stuck in animations
  • Fixed: Sides other than RESISTANCE, WEST and EAST did not have their scenario ending properly if they existed
  • Fixed: Adjusted strength of RPG-42 explosions
  • Fixed: Proper footstep sound is played when moving with pistol in combat pace
  • Fixed: Players can no longer see through an object with a launcher in their hands
  • Fixed: Drivers of Panther, Cheetah and Bobcat have learned that they should not turn out when there is no hatch for that
  • Fixed: Weapons on the backs of soldiers are no longer twitching while changing sidearm to binoculars and vice versa
  • Fixed: Player no longer has an obscured view when crouching in the R / BR / B directions in CSAT fatigues / ghillie suit and aiming (RMB pressed) with RCO (sometimes ARCO) optics
  • Fixed: Launcher position on back for combat pace in the B / BR / R directions
  • Fixed: CSAT soldiers had unnaturally pale hands and legs compared to their face skin tone
  • Fixed: Helicopter Pilot [AAF] and Pilot [NATO] injury materials
  • Fixed: Mirrors of FTW have a proper color even while sitting in them as a driver
  • Fixed: Suspension of FTW has been adjusted to prevent barrel rolling
  • Fixed: Player doesn’t slide anymore after a second vault (step over) when moving and pressing LCtrl at the same time
  • Fixed: Missing config properties for animal class Cock_random_F
  • Fixed: Many localization issues
  • Fixed: Animals had the wrong position of their land contact points
  • Fixed: Missing macro in Server List configuration
  • Fixed: Arsenal buttons were broken when the game was running in an incorrect aspect ratio
  • Fixed: Some View Geometry LOD selections were missing for small palm trees
  • Fixed: Naval mines are now correctly going boom if they are shot with a properly heavy weapon
  • Fixed: Machine Guns on the AH-9 Pawnee were not rotating
  • Fixed: Hand animation glitches for the Mk14 rifle
  • Fixed: Adjusted hitzones and penetration materials of FTW
  • Fixed: Vehicles should no longer be able to drive through the main door of the office building
  • Fixed: Characters in the AMV-7 Marshall should not clip through the ceiling
  • Fixed: Origin of coaxial machine gun bullets on Slammer is now actually the coaxial machine gun; the bullets felt a bit lost in the main cannon chamber
  • Fixed: The multiplayer topic in the Field Manual was empty during campaign gameplay
  • Fixed: Soldier legs extended if the player changed weapon or reloaded while lying down hill
  • Fixed: Minor animation issues on the belt of the Zafir machine gun

End Game

  • Added: Scripted event handlers - EndGame_OnStageChanged / EndGame_OnStartGameObjectiveCompleted / EndGame_OnObjectiveStateChanged / EndGame_OnObjectiveCompleted / EndGame_OnObjectiveEnded
  • Added: Schematics objects can now be destructible
  • Added: The music that plays at the start of each phase can now be customized in the Objectives Instance Module
  • Added: Equipment rewards for capturing Intel were reintroduced, now being controlled by a more optimized system
  • Removed: The additional equipment that is being given upon securing the Intel site
  • Improved: Zeus support
  • Improved: FPS boost (the equipment rewards functionality was bringing FPS down significantly)
  • Improved: Adding items to Virtual Arsenal created unnecessary network overhead
  • Improved: DownloadProgress is now updated 4 times less often
  • Fixed: Possible script error on JIP
  • Fixed: Error message upon End Game initialization
  • Fixed: Possible undefined variable in an expression in initServer.sqf

Dynamic Groups

Potential spoilers:

  • Tweaked: In Showcase Armed Assault the turrets on the Tigris (enemy outpost) had their ammo reduced significantly
  • Fixed: Moral Fiber - An instance where the eject action could be called on units which are not in the vehicle anymore
  • Fixed: Soldier abusing POW now moves as intended in the final cutscene of the “Damage Control” mission in the “Prologue" campaign (



  • Added: Player steering coefficients moved to config (carType)
  • Added: Script commands remoteExec and remoteExecCall
  • Added: remoteExec / remoteExecCall support for JIP
  • Added: Ability to restrict / turn off remoteExec
  • Added: remoteExec support for removing a message from the JIP queue
  • Added: remoteExec support for automatically generated JIP ID
  • Added: Ability to restrict JIP in CfgRemoteExec via a jip parameter
  • Added: allowedTargets for CfgRemoteExec's commands and functions to restrict the direction in which remoteExec commands can be executed
  • Added: The -pid= startup parameter should work for all executables
  • Added: Object transparency can be specified in surfaces for AI detection
  • Added: New script commands didJIP and didJIPOwner
  • Added: New targetKnowledge command (better version of knowsAbout)
  • Added: New distance2D command
  • Added: Support for displaying server mods in the LAN tab
  • Added: Optional parameter for selectionPosition to select specific LOD (Memory, Geometry, FireGeometry, LandContact, HitPoints)
  • Added: New eventHandler SeatSwitched
  • Added: Support for a picture on the right side of a (UI) tree
  • Added: New script commands splitString and joinString
  • Added: New script command objectParent
  • Added: New script command getObjectType
  • Added: New script command getModelInfo
  • Added: New script command getAllHitPointsDamage
  • Added: New script command getHitIndex
  • Added: New script command setHitIndex
  • Added: New script command lineIntersectsSurfaces

  • Added: New script commands AGLToASL, ASLToAGL
  • Added: allowedFilePatching server.cfg parameter
  • Changed: -noFilePatching replaced with -filePatching (file patching disabled by default)
  • Changed: The ‘thanks for your purchase’ dialog shows a list of newly unlocked DLCs instead of a list of all currently owned ones
  • Changed: Pose adjust action disabled in movement (to prevent problems with slowdown)
  • Changed: Commands xxxContainer return null-object when failed now (
  • Changed: Command createDisplay now returns handle to created display (or null)
  • Changed: Command parseNumber now supports Booleans (parseNumber true > 1)
  • Improved: Simulation when a vehicle is sling loaded but the player is not in the parent vehicle
  • Tweaked: onPlayerConnected and onPlayerDisconnected commands (_owner and _jip variables)
  • Tweaked: Increased maximum memory limit on Linux
  • Tweaked: Splitting networkDiagInterval logs to their own files
  • Tweaked: Network traffic optimizations
  • Tweaked: Improved CfgSounds to be able to use sounds from an addon
  • Tweaked: inGameUISetEventHandler event handlers
  • Tweaked: Reduced memory required for roads
  • Tweaked: Changed priorities of freeing on-demand memory
  • Tweaked: Load object lists from the camera position in iterations instead of a square from the bottom
  • Tweaked: Changed system for locking object lists around the camera (it isn't resetting loading that often)
  • Tweaked: If there isn’t enough memory, limit preloading and keep something for release if needed
  • Tweaked: MessageBox texts in the editor
  • Tweaked: HandleDamage event handler can now return the damaged part index as integer
  • Tweaked: Event handlers via inGameUISetEventHandler no longer return hidden menu items on scroll
  • Fixed: Passengers can now properly turn their NVGs on and off (
  • Fixed: Getting out of vehicles no longer resets fire mode (
  • Fixed: Bugged view whilst using TrackIR and entering vehicles
  • Fixed: Inaudible weapon firing SFX (e.g. UGL and PMCL) in MP under certain conditions
  • Fixed: Preserve external camera after getting out of a vehicle
  • Fixed: Time of day affected by low FPS
  • Fixed: Bug in simulation when a vehicle is sling loaded but the player is not in the parent vehicle
  • Fixed: Dedicated Server or Headless Client would freeze if a pop-up error showed up
  • Fixed: mpStatistics.log moved from the Arma 3 root directory to other logs (profile directory)
  • Fixed: FFV remote player simulation in local vehicles
  • Fixed: Copilot controls in airplanes
  • Fixed: Ignoring forward declaration classes when setting source mods
  • Fixed: A crash when an object list was released and loaded again
  • Fixed: An issue with FFV remote player simulation and optimized simulation for remote vehicles
  • Fixed: allTurrets command should now properly return commander turrets with FFV
  • Fixed: Healing action is now disabled while on a ladder
  • Fixed: allTurrets fixed for FFV again (allTurrets [vehicle, false] will not return any turret with FFV now)
  • Fixed: Unintentional endless looping of sounds of weapons
  • Fixed: missionStart always had the same value on Dedicated Servers
  • Fixed: Suspension diagnostics possibly causing a crash
  • Fixed: Crash caused by potential corruptions in (mod) data
  • Fixed: selectionPosition checks all LODs as it should
  • Fixed: Spam of the PlayerUpdate messages from the server
  • Fixed: Animation variants / idle poses were not canceled on remote players
  • Fixed: Player with a not fully opened parachute will now take damage when hitting the ground
  • Fixed: XBox shortcut icons allowed to show
  • Fixed: Can rewrite full EditBoxes
  • Fixed: Burst fire not completed because of a ‘can't fire’ animation state
  • Fixed: Recursive #include crash in the preprocessor
  • Fixed: Drag and drop for ListNBox
  • Fixed: Personal waypoints for UAVs now show the correct distance and radar icon
  • Fixed: Save profile namespace only when it was already loaded (could cause corruption)
  • Fixed: Radio / dialog not audible in transport
  • Fixed: Broken Headless Client auto-assign
  • Fixed: Paratrooper should not destroy a helicopter rotor system
  • Fixed: CTD in campaign menu
  • Fixed: Wrong path handling when combining paths
  • Fixed: Brainless soldiers causing a null center crash
  • Fixed: addMagazine would sometimes duplicate smoke grenades (
  • Fixed: The last item in listboxes is now always visible instead of being cut
  • Fixed: Script command roleDescription (AI entities returned the wrong role description in MP)
  • Fixed: Changing scenario hash should no longer crash the client
  • Fixed: Smoke grenade ending SFX volume unbalanced
  • Fixed: An issue with squad.xml on Linux servers (
  • Fixed: Independents were not firing at forces that turned from friendly to hostile
  • Fixed: Infantry engaging armored vehicles with rifles
  • Fixed: CTD in the intersect command
  • Fixed: Turn-out action was broken in MP when done multiple times
  • Hotfixed: Player personTurret movement appears laggy for other players



  • Added: A troubleshooting report dialog (invoked from the unusual process exit dialog or the application menu)
  • Added: Active app compatibility flags are now logged in the Launcher operational log
  • Added: Localizations for update 1.50
  • Added: List of compatible Windows versions included in the application manifest
  • Added: A flag and getter that returns whether subscribed content list has been received [SteamLayer]
  • Added: An identity for each usage of the modern style select folder dialog so they are treated separately by the Operating System
  • Added: A dependency to the modern common controls and dialogs library included in the application manifest
  • Added: Culture and version information to the simple and emergency crash logger
  • Added: A list of assemblies to the simple crash logger
  • Added: Exception handling for ghosts, ghouls and errors in the Log4Net logger. No log, no crash, no log, no crash!
  • Changed: Parameter "No File Patching" is replaced with the "Enable File Patching" parameter
  • Tweaked: The PLAY button is now focused when the Launcher starts, so it can be started by the Enter or Space keys without further interaction
  • Tweaked: Improved whitespace handling in the news parser and converter
  • Tweaked: Changed default options for the modern style select folder dialog
  • Tweaked: The status bar message displayed while the Steam connection is being initialized and data is being preloaded
  • Tweaked: Localizations
  • Fixed: Header of the Name column changed from Imię to Nazwa in Polish
  • Fixed: An error during creation of a parameter string when a file parameter value was null for an unknown reason
  • Fixed: Added error handling to the process monitor to prevent unnecessary creation of an emergency report
  • Fixed: Small fixes to basic keyboard navigation
  • Fixed: Added handling of an error when Launcher is unable to delete a folder with a local mod
  • Fixed: Launcher now opens the old folder selection dialog if a new one is unavailable due to overridden system settings or an unavailable COM class
  • Fixed: Launcher doesn't close automatically when instructed to do so after the game ends
  • Fixed: The 'subscribed content list changed' event is now not fired until a fresh list is received from Steam [SteamLayer]
  • Fixed: Last update date of the subscribed mods was displayed in the UTC time zone
  • Fixed: An error message is displayed when the common system open file dialogs are unavailable instead of CTD
  • Fixed: Last update date was not updated properly
  • Fixed: A typo in the logs
  • Fixed: A few multi-line strings were truncated to a single localized line
  • Fixed: pl-PL localization of a general error message box was causing a CTD



  • Updated: Stand-alone Windows Dedicated Server (1.50)
  • Updated: Stand-alone Linux Dedicated Server (1.50)
    • Known issue: Steam client modifies the steam_appid.txt file incorrectly. In case of issues, verify its content is: 107410
    • Known issue: Sometimes the add-ons are loaded from the wrong installation (e.g. main game)
    • Try adding -mod=curator;kart;heli;mark;dlcbundle to your arma3server.exe shortcut






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