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Arma 3 Patch 1.52



  • Added: Items in Arsenal lists now have a tool tip with full name (users can use it to see otherwise cut off names)
  • Added: GM6 charging handle animation
  • Added: M320 bolt animation when firing the last round of a magazine
  • Added: Friendly Fire module - FF event is triggered if player kills friendly using a vehicle turret
  • Added: Friendly Fire module - possibility to add an empty vehicle
  • Added: Friendly Fire module - possibility to add a non-empty vehicle (crew is checked as well)
  • Added: Friendly Fire module - possibility to change priority for checking being hit (one hit leads to friendly fire)
  • Tweaked: Faction showcases updated
  • Tweaked: Adjusted hitzones and penetration materials of the Quadbike and Offroad
  • Tweaked: Slight change of the engine volume for Speed Boat and Rubber Boat
  • Tweaked: Animation configs for poultry cleaned and splendidized
  • Tweaked: Optimized module site >> animals
  • Tweaked: Optimized function for removing respawn positions
  • Tweaked: GM6 refactored, so only the basic model is now used (camo selection used for creating a texture variant)
  • Tweaked: M320 refactored, so only the basic model is now used (camo selection used for creating a texture variant)
  • Tweaked: GM6 bolt animation tweaked to work properly when firing the last round of a magazine.
  • Tweaked: AAF soldier's TI texture un-commented out in the injury material, so his legs should behave properly in TI when he's dead
  • Tweaked: In MP Bootcamp, the convoy challenge now only sends net messages to Instructors (as it should) instead of all players
  • Tweaked: Always showing "NEAR AIRPORT" as the location at the start of faction showcases
  • Tweaked: Autonomous turrets are now performing auto fire if not connected to in faction showcases
  • Tweaked: PhysX collision shape of MRAPs (mostly the bottom)
  • Tweaked: Adjusted geometries for HEMTT Medical and armed Offroad
  • Tweaked: Attenuation setup preparation for several vehicles
  • Tweaked: AO in Showcase Drones enlarged to prevent accidental fail mission ending (
  • Tweaked: Adjusted standard FM characteristics of the Taru to fit the advanced FM better
  • Tweaked: ASRAAM rockets adjusted to only lock on to air targets
  • Changed: The following classes (from CfgVehicles) - I_Heli_light_03_base_FI_Heli_light_03_unarmed_base_FB_Heli_Transport_03_base_FB_Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F and C_Hatchback_01_sport_grey_F - are now marked as deprecated and shouldn't be used anymore
  • Changed: The Garage and the Vehicle Customization system now skip the animation source periods
  • Removed: Random drivers and some soldier base classes from Zeus
  • Removed: Servo sound for movement of rear turret on Speed Boat, since it's moved by hands
  • Removed: Servo sound for turret movement of the Ghosthawk and the Huron (turret is moved by hands without any servo)
  • Removed: Class-based differences in AI spotting abilities (it is covered by other systems instead)
  • Fixed: Lobby descriptions of Support MP scenarios
  • Fixed: Wrong names of samples for Huron
  • Fixed: Base soldier classes now have a proper scope of 0 (B_Soldier_02_fB_Soldier_03_fB_Soldier_04_fB_Soldier_05_fI_Soldier_02_FI_Soldier_03_FI_Soldier_04_FO_Soldier_02_F)
  • Fixed: Escape from Stratis - Possible premature scenario end for reconnecting clients
  • Fixed: Spawning green unarmed Huron now properly spawns a green unarmed Huron instead of the black ninja that crept in all the time
  • Fixed: Player was able to get in a tank in Showcase Zeus and break the scenario flow
  • Fixed: When Zeus used a custom name for an Attack / Defend objective, it wasn't shown to other players
  • Fixed: The "Arsenal" option in Zeus respawn loadout selection was not always sorted on top
  • Fixed: Planes were too durable when colliding with objects
  • Fixed: Team Leaders of all factions were equipped with binoculars
  • Fixed: Tool tip in ORBAT viewer was shown even when it had no content
  • Fixed: Arsenal didn't support launcher attachments
  • Fixed: Vehicle icons in radar were not shown for vehicles remotely-controlled by Zeus
  • Fixed: Task title in diary was indented too far
  • Fixed: Explosive Specialists classes in a FIA Support group appeared as Rifleman instead after editing them
  • Fixed: Tool tips in Strategic Map lingered on even after the cursor no longer hovered over any item
  • Fixed: Third parameter of BIS_fnc_spawnGroup as Scalar did not spawn characters (
  • Fixed: In Garage, when players took control of a UAV and then switched it to another vehicle, they lost control over their character
  • Fixed: Vehicle appearance was not loaded correctly in the Garage
  • Fixed: New proper debriefing in Showcase Commanding in case you finish the mission without casualties
  • Fixed: Sound Suppressor LMG duplicity in Zeus
  • Fixed: Sound Suppressor 6.5mm made available for Mk200
  • Fixed: Characters are no longer forced to go kneel from stand while switching from run to sprint with a launcher in their hands in FR / FL directions
  • Fixed: Correct transition from stand / kneel sprint to run with launcher in hand in FR / FL directions
  • Fixed: Players are now punished if they become a renegade in multiplayer (Showcase Firing From Vehicles)
  • Fixed: Flags of CTRG soldiers no longer flicker in buildings
  • Fixed: Sidearm holster had the wrong scope
  • Fixed: Missing faces on gloves of VR Entities and corrected skinning of some vertices on their gloves
  • Fixed: Imperfect scenario error handling on Dedicated Servers
  • Fixed: In the respawn menu, switching from position selection to load-out selection and back didn't preserve the selected position
  • Fixed: When a remotely-controlled unit accessed Arsenal, it modified the original player, not the puppet
  • Fixed: SDV icon in Field Manual is now consistent with the rest of vehicles
  • Fixed: Artillery smoke shell had a strange model after impact (
  • Fixed: When Zeus joined an already running Seize or Defend scenario, he was unable to edit vehicles created by automatic systems
  • Fixed: RCWS turrets sad panda behavior has been unified across vehicles
  • Fixed: NATO technicians have found that some parts of the up armored Slammer were actually weaker than for its standard counterpart and have installed an additional layer of protection
  • Fixed: Issue when opening the old camera (BIS_fnc_cameraOld) while time acceleration was 0
  • Fixed: In ZGM Bootcamp, players could complete the vehicle obstacle course with any vehicle, even though the quad bike was the one requested
  • Fixed: Size and position of Xbox icons in buttons when the controller is plugged in
  • Fixed: It's no longer possible to access Splendid Camera and Animation Viewer while in Zeus (it was breaking its camera)
  • Fixed: Arsenal icons didn't fit into the screen when using Very Large UI size
  • Fixed: Scripting errors when switching players in the spectator script
  • Fixed: soundEnv parameters changed (footstep issues in cargo buildings, on metal stairs, etc.), adjusted even the material in some of the buildings
  • Fixed: Achievement Star Recruit had the wrong text description (Bootcamp)
  • Fixed: In MP Bootcamp, if a Recruit would die during a vehicle race and all other Recruits had finished, the Instructor challenge was succeeded upon respawn
  • Fixed: Position macros from the last change were broken after binarization
  • Fixed: The animation phases were incorrectly reset by function BIS_fnc_initVehicle
  • Fixed: Restarting while a Challenge (FD or TT) is already ending, now actually restart the Challenge
  • Fixed: Restarting while a Challenge (FD or TT) is already restarting, now is disabled
  • Fixed: Zeus can no longer take control of autonomous vehicles controlled by another player
  • Fixed: After a previous fix, sectors were named correctly, but the task action (e.g. "Seize" or "Defend") was incorrect
  • Fixed: BLUFOR UAV used in OPFOR and AAF faction showcases
  • Fixed: Autonomous turrets Mk30A HMG .50 could not be connected to using a UAV terminal in the faction showcase
  • Fixed: Civilians were unable to capture sectors created by the Sector Module
  • Fixed: Characters (both alive and dead) in cargo positions are no longer colliding with Zamak and Tempest Medical truck body
  • Fixed: Error message when creating RscSliderRscFrame or RscToolbox using the ctrlCreate command
  • Fixed: Zeus didn't see sector icons in the scene
  • Fixed: The "TRY" button in Garage is no longer available when the preview vehicle has no empty seats
  • Fixed: Navid and SPMG now correctly appear under Machineguns in Zeus when editing a box
  • Fixed: Geometries for Taru, Blackfoot and Huron are more precise
  • Fixed: Zeus lightning didn't always hit its target properly, often leading to characters surviving the blow
  • Fixed: Scrolling issues in the Zeus main display
  • Fixed: RPT spam related to the armory hints with obsolete attributes width and height
  • Fixed: RPT spam: "given item with name: [acc_flashlight] isn't linked to a weapon!"
  • Fixed: It was sometimes possible to scroll the map preview image in the terrain selection menu
  • Fixed: Missing description text for some MP scenarios
  • Fixed: B_127x108_Ball audibleFire & visibleFire
  • Hotfixed: "No entry" error message for some mines

Potential spoilers:

  • Added: In campaign mission Preventive Diplomacy there is now a hint when the last artillery request is done (out of ammo)
  • Tweaked: Wipeout flyover postponed to after the briefing in New Dawn
  • Tweaked: Conversation samples boosted in scenarios New Dawn and Air Superiority
  • Fixed: Miller could be killed without consequence in-between killing the CSAT soldiers and rendezvousing with him afterwards (Common Enemy)
  • Fixed: Speed boats are now guaranteed to drive away when boarded (Tipping Point)
  • Fixed: Loudspeakers are now working in mission New Dawn
  • Fixed: The "Instructor" link in the menu for the Crossing Paths scenario was inoperative (
  • Fixed: The OSD text as related to the wrong detection of the current location in Status Quo
  • Fixed: Corrected grid references during the map tutorial segment (Diplomatic Relations)
  • Fixed: In Crossing Paths, Nikos’ character had the wrong identity / face

End Game:

  • Added: View Distance is now a lobby parameterTweaked: Reduced distance for the schematics pickup action
  • Tweaked: The schematics pickup action now does a geometry line trace between the eyes of the player and the pickup object, and is only available if no collision is found
  • Tweaked: The 'Task Enhancements' system now also draws map markers for tasks with "AUTOASSIGNED" state
  • Tweaked: The distance from which you can upload schematics is now bigger
  • Tweaked: Optimized pickup / upload action conditions
  • Fixed: Color of FOBs did not match the side color owning it
  • Fixed: Respawning into an active download hides the progress bar
  • Fixed: In End Game Kavala there was an exploitable respawn point for the team having to defend the Upload at the harbor
  • Fixed: Schematics could be stolen through the Prevent upload action



  • Added: New script command magazinesAllTurrets
  • Added: New script command shownHUD
  • Added: Report when a uniform is using an abstract character class
  • Added: disableNVGEquipment to disable night-vision functions on vehicles
  • Added: disableRemoteSensors and getRemoteSensorsDisabled commands
  • Added: Linux server prints warnings when no config is specified
  • Added: More information about an entity's owner container to script command logEntities
  • Added: Option to disable the server send messaging thread in case of random crashing (-disableServerThread)
  • Tweaked: TBB4 updated to version 132112 on 4.4 (tbb44_20150728oss)
  • Tweaked: Script command createSite doesn't work and will not work - marked as obsolete and added a comment into the documentation about that fact
  • Tweaked: Script command getModelInfo returns Boolean hasSkeleton as 3rd parameter
  • Tweaked: Script command lineIntersectsSurfaces - added two optional parameters (primary and secondary LOD filter types)
  • Tweaked: Optimized server performance when updating Steam variable values
  • Tweaked: NMTFireWeapon message optimization
  • Tweaked: AI aiming from multiple muzzles (e.g. Slammer coaxial)
  • Tweaked: Weapon inertia while prone
  • Tweaked: Preserving zoom when switching from optics
  • Tweaked: Camera warping when leaving weapon deployment
  • Changed: Script commands loadFile*htmlLoadprepocessFile*exec* now consider file patching settings
  • Changed: Disabled support for absolute paths in the pre-processor
  • Changed: disableTIEquipment now disables only Thermal Imaging functions on vehicles
  • Changed: The netlog file was moved into the AppData directory
  • Fixed: AI could see through smoke in MP under some conditions
  • Fixed: AI with a vehicle assigned ignored Get In / Load waypoint synchronization
  • Fixed: Script command showHUD - reset cursors which are not included in ShowAll
  • Fixed: Script command intersect could cause a CTD when it tried to return a game object without skeleton
  • Fixed: Every deployment in prone position moves with the player's character a few centimeters backwards
  • Fixed: AI was switching to their sidearm, when their rifle still had some ammo left
  • Fixed: htmlLoad didn't work with URLs when allowedHTMLLoadExtensions was set in a Dedicated Server's config
  • Fixed: htmlLoad restrictions when loading URL (allowedHTMLLoadURIs in CfgCommands or server.cfg)
  • Fixed: Player is not able to change to primary weapon after a scenario loads with binoculars in hands
  • Fixed: Cases of the view being tilted after leaving weapon deployment in prone in a ‘non-trivial’ way
  • Fixed: Input problems after Time Trials restarting
  • Fixed: Helicopters would start hovering even without applying throttle
  • Fixed: remoteExec in init scripts would execute too soon compared to BIS_fnc_MP
  • Fixed: The allPlayers command should not show a duplicated player anymore
  • Fixed: AI units could not enter a vehicle when surrounded by other vehicles
  • Fixed: Script command splitString sometimes crashed when the given string was empty
  • Fixed: CTD when working with optics
  • Fixed: A crash connected to simulating PhysX joints
  • Fixed: CTD when accessing an out-of-range bone index in a faulty skeleton
  • Fixed: Security issue with stacked event handlers
  • Fixed: Memory could not be read CTD during KotH
  • Fixed: CTD when speaking on direct voice channel
  • Fixed: Paratroopers are now visible on the Zeus map
  • Fixed: Rare CTD when drawing the compass
  • Fixed: Player was able to hear starting helicopter sounds even if it had destroyed rotors
  • Fixed: Hitpoints configured on an object without shape CTD
  • Fixed: Locking sound
  • Fixed: CTD when calling sendSimpleCommand on an empty vehicle
  • Fixed: Security issue with stacked event handlers - kick off in lobby
  • Fixed: Shooting from rifle using the G (grenade throw) key
  • Fixed: Sound - playSound3D was quiet inside buildings
  • Fixed: Sound - AI sometimes did not fully speak its dialogue
  • Fixed: Rare CTD when processing scripts
  • Fixed: Alarms and locks - in aircraft in first-person view - sound volume was too low
  • Fixed: Splash screen would not display images on some systems
  • Fixed: Sound - Building destruction issues
  • Fixed: Possible critical error when opening binarized SQM in binarized scenario folder (PBO)
  • Fixed: Rearming of vehicles without ammo
  • Fixed: AI was throwing grenades at unknown targets
  • Fixed: AI subordinates should heal wounded characters from other group when ordered
  • Fixed: Rare crash when disconnecting from the game
  • Fixed: showChat command state was not reset on scenario restart
  • Fixed: Sound effect of building destruction should now no longer get cut off too early
  • Fixed: AI co-pilots hiding in cockpit when switching to combat mode
  • Fixed: Potential CTD when drawing objects




  • Tweaked: String "Release candidate" changed to "Release Candidate"
  • Fixed: The unusual process exit dialog caused Launcher to CTD when it was displayed and certain conditions were met (#irony)



  • Updated: Stand-alone Windows Dedicated Server (1.52)
  • Updated: Stand-alone Linux Dedicated Server (1.52)
    • Known issue: Steam client modifies the steam_appid.txt file incorrectly. In case of issues, verify its content is: 107410
    • Known issue: Sometimes the add-ons are loaded from the wrong installation (e.g. main game)
    • Try adding -mod=curator;kart;heli;mark;dlcbundle to your arma3server.exe shortcut




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