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Arma 3 Patch 0.54
Il 15 Aprile è uscito il secondo update per la Alpha di Arma 3, ecco i miglioramenti:
Added: improved public debug console
New light rendering added for bushes
More detailed middle distance terrain texture added
Adjustable stances for sidearms added
Sprint speed decreased
Tweaked transitions from ragdoll
Fixed transition from free fall into swimming and onto land
New animations for swimming with rifles
Rifle kneel sprinting fix
Rifle raised idling for AI fix
Pistol prone movement improvements
Rifle & pistol evasive move fixes (disabled optics)
Removed sway in prone adjust low
Pistol self healing
Improved pistol kneel sprint animation
Improved connection prone to sprint
Player could shoot a sidearm during the healing animation
Transition from prone to upright sprint while unarmed caused visual sliding
Priority of actions in action menu adjusted
Stratis terrain and object placement tweaks
New post-process effects for injuries added
Fixed fuel gauges for MH-9 helicopter family
MH-9 can now carry more soldiers
Duplicate target icon in Ka60 Helmet-Mounted Display removed
Ifrit cargo pose added
Compass visualization changed
New secondary shadow LODs (glasses, bandoleer, belt, rebreather)
Camouflage selection tweaks
Fixed: Sites are no longer placing patrol waypoints on water
Civilian Sites were disabled
Logo and tagline splash screens merged
Main menu game and version indicator could overlap
Added: Any mission with description.ext has now loading mission box with "Unknown" text
Added: Unknown author is now displayed also for maps
Fixed: Mission restart now resets reload counter
Added: Loading "continue" save will no longer raise the reload counter
Fixed: Mission failed had two debriefing screens
Fixed: "Lose" ending no longer shows "Mission Completed" title
Fixed: Error icon is no longer shown for logics
Fixed incorrect topic selection after closing and reopening Field Manual
Fixed: "Respawn" button is no longer enabled in missions with respawn "NONE", "BIRD" or with missing respawn settings
Added: "respawnButton" parameter can now enable the button in respawn types which would normally disable it
Geometry fixing (AI collisions with buildings tweaked)
Config classes for weapons cleaned
Fixed: (fish no longer only swim North)
Fixed: (EBR sight alignment)
Fixed: (spelling error)
Fixed: (fire geometry - wall)
New fog technology implemented
Picture-in-Picture optimization implemented
Terrain shadows tweaked
Fixed: AI no longer fires on targets it does not see (but which are reported by other group members)
Fixed: (MP rotation synchronization fixed)
Fixed: (Speed of sound delays tweaked)
Changes and fixes merged from Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead beta patches
MP pose synchronization fixed
Improved performance related to object instancing
Fixed - AI disembarking when moving to another vehicle position incorrectly
Game loading with "addAction" crash fixed
PhysX collisions related crashes fixed
Fixed: (out of memory crash)
Fixed: Crash while taking RPG Alamut from ground
Larger string buffer for the 'format' script command
Fixed: Reloading different magazine type could do nothing but remove the magazine
Destruction of vehicle while manipulating with objects in its inventory fixed
Ambient creatures' position after game load fixed
Fixed: remote destroyed wheels have now the right distance detection to the ground
Fixed: healing sound effects were endlessly looped
Ships are no longer automatically deleted after destruction (consistent with other vehicle types)
Free fall inventory access fixed
Magazine manipulation while discarding weapons tweaked
Items' behavior while moving from dead body to container tweaked
Helicopter behavior improved (rotor simulation now does not allow helicopter to fly up-side down)
AI running up and down hill tweaked
Command 'stance' now returns more consistent values: "PRONE", "CROUCH" and "STAND"
Fixed: RMB to equip did not work for binoculars
Fixed: Vehicle commander stepped optics zoom did not function correctly
Fixed: artifacts on water near shore when looking from high distance
Solved issues related to flickering optics
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